Saturday, November 17, 2012

Cloudy With A Chance of Rainie

(Originally posted Feb 23, 2012 on the Dollfie Dreams forums)

Although she is far from complete, I couldn't resist finally putting up some pictures of my work in progress DDS Rainie after her wig finally came in.

She's little more than a head, legs and feet (she is being supported by a bamboo cup, a chopstick for her spine, her face hasn't been reshaped yet, and has the wrong size bust...) but she has enough personality to make up for it. When I first started thinking of her I began to wonder what her name was and she popped into my head and informed me that it was Rainie. I attempted to think of a couple other names, although I don't remember them now, this is pretty much how the conversation went:

Me: "I wonder what else I could name you? I like to have options in case I change my mind later."
Rainie: "My name is Rainie."
Me: "How about..."
Rainie: "No, my name is Rainie."
I grumble to myself, feeling a bit put out. "Well then, I'll chose your last name."
Rainie stays silent.
Me: "How about we have the same last name, since you are going to be my daughter?"
Rainie: "No, it's too boring."
Feeling a bit miffed, I suggest the next thing that runs across my mind without thinking. "How about my maiden name then?"
Rainie: "That's great! I want that one!"
I pause for a moment waiting for it to sink in. "You can't be serious Rainie..."
Rainie: "I like it." And with that it was decided. She was beaming and happy and I was mentally groaning. Why? Because she had decided that her name was going to be Rainie Day...  X)

Despite what he name makes her sound like, she has a very sunshine personality. For those who remember Punky Brewster from the 80s, or Ramona Quimby yah, that's what Rainie is like. She wouldn't call herself a tomboy because she just doesn't think about herself that way, and she does like dresses just not ones with lace, ribbons, and froufy stuff. She's more inclined to have bright and bold patterned clothes, being subdued is not in her spunky personality.

Are you under there somewhere Rainie? =))

I really love this wig, it is perfect for her but I wanted the bangs to hang straight so I'll need to trim them. Dealing with Tamayuki's bangs in his eyes all the time is enough, I didn't want to spend even more of my time dealing with hers. She looks cute with them brushed to the side, but it's not her.

She is really going to be fun to have around Tamayuki since she is so spontaneous and outgoing, I'm not even sure she will notice how shy he is. When I first started to wonder how well they would do together, the following image popped up in my head:

Tamayuki was quietly sitting in a corner playing with his dolly keeping to himself like usual. Then Rainie walks in with a pillow from somewhere, heartily kicks it across the room, and continues on her way. Tamayuki merely grins to himself and starts giggling.

I think they will be a great pair, Rainie just being silly and diving headlong into everything, and Tamayuki having someone he can follow and quietly participate in the things he would do on his own if he wasn't so shy.

Yikes! What have I gotten myself into? :D

~Sister Kyoya

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