Saturday, November 17, 2012

[Story] Happiness on the Doorstep

Even though these have already been posted on the forums, I'm reposting them here so my family (especially my niece Angelia) can easily find and read the "goings on" in our doll family. It is so much easier to read the stories than trying to explain them. XD
(Originally posted Feb. 12, 2012 on the Dollfie Dreams forums)

With a noisy rumble out on the street in front of the house, heavy footsteps tramping across the wooden deck, and a firm knock on the front door, a brown box arrived.

A little guy wanders around on the table, examining the large box. "Ha! It must be full of packing peanuts to make sure my nice box didn't get smashed. This is a perfect for my house if I just turn it over this way..." Walking the length of the box, the miniature figure critically examined his new house.

"Well now, I'm going to need to get some paint since someone inconsiderately slapped this bright orange sticker on my new home!" discontent grumbling came from the figure as he went in search for some scissors.

"This should do the trick, just need to wedge it in here..." Firmly the sharp blades slipped between the cardboard flaps, cleanly cutting the tape.

"Remodeling and moving into a new house sure is a lot of work!" The little guy knelt down with a sigh, momentarily resting before getting back to his task.

"Now just lift these flaps a bit and I can get to cleaning out all those peanuts!" Inwardly the little chap was glad that no one was there to watch him struggle against the strong cardboard.

A happy yelp escaped as he discovered sheets of bubble wrap tucked away inside. "This will be great to make myself a couch or a bed out of, but too bad it won't work for making myself some better pants. One thing at a time I guess."

"It might make me a really great winter coat too. I'll be a fashion sensation across the world!"

Full of determination the little gent cleared out the interior of his home, finding may strange and unexpected things inside. "What is this, a bear skin rug?"

"Ahhhh! The tribble is trying to eat me!" Random giggles and snickers could be heard from underneath the fuzzy mound that now covered the upper half of the small figure.

"Yep, looks like this will just about fit!" Humming joyfully as he uncovered more housewarming gifts, the small guy was feeling very pleased with himself for finding such a great deal on this prime real estate.

"I wonder what is in here? I sure looks like a nice cooler. I could use a few sandwiches by now." Enthusiastically he pulled the lid from the small box.

"Ewwww gross! Why would someone put eyeballs in a perfectly good cooler?" Quickly the lid was replaced and the short man realized he wasn't as hungry as he thought he was.

"Alas poor Yorick, I never knew thee well, but you know, things could be worse. There are those individuals that would cause you to suffer the slings and arrows of a merciless volley of heady puns. But that, my sweet prince, is not to be your fate, for you are a fishmonger!"

"Now that I have my own human suit, I can take over the world, right Pinky?" Giddy laughter came from the tiny figure as he plotted his world domination.

"At last he LIVES! Let's make haste Igorstein, my house needs to be furnished before our evil plans can begin." A mouse like murmur came from the large figure, not even loud enough to be understood.

"Eh?" the diminutive man only let the noise invade into his wild plotting because it was such a curious sound from something so big.

"My name is Tamayuki." And without warning the little guy was being attacked.

"I have always wanted a dolly all of my own, and you seam like a really nice dolly." the small man couldn't fight against such overwhelming snuggles, his plans to overtake the planet were temporarily put on hold as the gentle giant's arms held him.

"I think my new mommy will let me keep you too, you won't eat much, and I will read to you almost every night. That would make me happy, then I would always have someone to play with. Already my new home has everything that I had been wishing for, but best of all is the people who love me."

Perhaps being trapped by such cuteness wasn't such a bad thing, the miniature man began to think to himself.

A few hours, and a couple stories later, Tamayuki listened to his new dolly quietly snoring.

"Goodnight my dolly. Tomorrow we will have lots of fun together, I promise."

~Sister Kyoya

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