Monday, December 24, 2012

[Story] A Special Present for Baldylox

(Originally posted Sep 01, 2012 on the Dollfie Dreams forums)

Mommy: "Tamayuki, what's the matter babe?"

Tamayuki: "I missed Uncle Billybear's birthday. I don't even have a present for him or anything!" *tears stream down the the distraught boys cheeks*
Mommy: "Hmm... how about we take some pictures for him? He seems to like them a lot and it won't clutter up his house."

Mommy: "Go and get the special project we have been working on, I'm sure he would like that a lot."
Tamayuki: "Really??" *the suggestion surprised him so much that his tears stopped.*

Mommy: "Are you two ready?"
Yuriko & Tamayuki: "Ready!"

Yuriko: "Meeyoww..."
Tamayuki: "Mao!"

Yuriko: "You aren't supposed to say mao Tamayuki. Cats say meow."
Tamayuki: "Mr. MooseMoose says mao and he's a cat. So it must be girl kitties that say meow and boy kitties say mao."
*Yuriko tries to be sneaky and tickle her brother with her fuzzy tail*

Tamayuki: "No tickling!"
Yuriko: "Why?"
Tamayuki: "Because... it tickles."

Yuriko: "Look Uncle Billy, I even have a kitty bell around my neck!"
Tamayuki: "I could use one right here too."

Yuriko: "Do you like the kitty outfit that Mama and Daddy made for me?"
Tamayuki: *quietly talks to himself* "Mine is better because I got white kitty ears with pink middles."

Yuriko: "Tama, go get all the other kitties so they can be in a picture with us."
Tamayuki: "All of them?"
Yuriko: "Sure, whatever. Just go get them, shoo!"


Tamayuki: "You can have Orange kitty and I will hold Ernest because he is chubby like MooseMoose. I found Crookshanks too, but I don't think he wanted to wake up."
*Crookshanks hisses at Yuriko*

Tamayuki: "If I was a real kitty, I would spend my time hunting down the hard to find... lasagna steamed buns."
Yuriko: "Cats don't eat stuff like that. You spend too much time with Dolly and he's filling your head with stupid ideas. Cats eat fish and canned cat food."
Tamayuki: "I don't want to eat fish or cat food. For dessert I would eat mint ice cream with cookie sprinkles."
Yuriko: "Tama-chan, you can be really strange sometimes."

Tamayuki: "Do your ears get itchy on the back right here? Mine do."
Yuriko: *mumbles* "They aren't even attached to your head.."

Tamayuki: "Happy Birthday Uncle Billybear! I hope you had lots of fun and I'm sorry my present was so late." *whispers* "Mommy, what are we going to do for my Halloween costume now?"

Mommy: "Don't worry, I have more tricks up my sleeve!"

Tamayuki: "I love my new kitty tail." *Kissu*
Happy (belated) Birthday Baldylox from all of us.

Poor Tama-chan was so distraught over missing your birthday that he wasn't even snuggling with his own blanket, but my baby blanket my mom made for me when I was born. He is so happy with his tail and ears that he has not wanted to take them off yet. I wonder if they may need to eventually be surgically removed. ;)

~Sister Kyoya

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